Plaskett's Puzzle
Why does it make you sick?
And the author is Gijs van Breukelen according to Chessbase's sources.
My only problem with the puzzle, while it is good especially to see a reason for an underpromotion is this....which in no way did I figure out.
Black's first responisbility should be to keep the pawn from promotion, which if someone is promoting into an obvoius fork....they probably know what is going to happen next! Which would cause KingF7 ...ND6, and by move 11. just resign man!
I got the first move but 2-6 were hard. After 6 it was a cat-and-mouse sorta thing. I really enojyed this one.
This is a puzzle I found while browsing through articles on chessbase. Apparently the author first saw it when British GM Jim Plaskett who presented it at the tournament in Brussels 1987 (Kasparov and Ljubomir won with 8.5/11, Karpov was second with 7/11). None of the grandmasters at the tournament could solve it, except for Tal who looked at it for a few minutes and went for a walk in the park. He came back with the solution. I thought about it for more than a week, before I broke and looked at the solution. I hope you all have more will power than I did.