Personal Puzzle Forum
2nd puzzle: Pawn protector
Objective: White to move. Check black king and protect your pawns, so you can promote more pieces and checkmate.
Edit: You don't need to find all the way to checkmate, just keep all 4 pawns promoted.
White loses whatever he plays.
Why was that
Your first puzzle is nice and its mate in two for White is valid, but you didn't specify which side it is to play which is a vital information. You could spell the objective as «White to play and mate in two» or something like that.
I think he means Black has a lot of moves to keep his avantage. If it was Black's turn to play, there would be many good moves for Black after which White would be losing.
First puzzle: 1.f6+ h8 2.xh7#
When I commented the first time there was no mate in 2. Appears something was changed but I don't know what! When I think of it, looks like Rg3 was added. Note that white now also wins easily by playing 1. QxQ NxQ 2. Nh6+ Kh8 3. Bxg7#. That option was certainly not in the original.
White loses whatever he plays.
Why was that
Your first puzzle is nice and its mate in two for White is valid, but you didn't specify which side it is to play which is a vital information. You could spell the objective as «White to play and mate in two» or something like that.
I think he means Black has a lot of moves to keep his avantage. If it was Black's turn to play, there would be many good moves for Black after which White would be losing.
My style, i never show the objetive of that first post by me. Only you guess the route.
3rd puzzle: Scary Last Rank
Objective: Block White's only escape so you can easily checkmate at last rank. In this case, White don't see the danger and play 2.h6.
You must be a friend of Mickdonedee who also has these weird objectives with all kinds of conditions set. Unfortunately these conditions are always multi-interpretable and therefore mean nothing. There are two starting moves that mate in 9 and one in 10 moves.
4th Puzzle: It's me, Zugzwang!
Objective: White turn and mate in 4, using a crazy attack - Zugzwang. Try force Black to make their state terrible with Zugzwang temp-move and Pieces blocking.
2nd puzzle: Pawn protector
Objective: Check black king and protect your pawns, so you can promote more pieces and checkmate.
Edit: You don't need to find all the way to checkmate, just keep all 4 pawns promoted.
2nd Puzzle is White to move, and 3rd Puzzle is Black to move