Here it is, variation from my puzzle. By the way congratulate me, it's finally finished! Just yesterday I replaced pawn from g5 so now there are no two correct moves for white on move three at 1... Kf1 variation. Don't forget to open move list - 2 more variations are given!
My third and last variation. If you find any mistakes, like beter moves for black, or double solutions for white, please tell me! This part was most problematic to finish!
Thank you guys for your opinions! It means to me a lot! I'm surprised that 1... Kf1 was the hardest to you, benws. I thought that 1. Rd3+! in main line was impossible to find!!!
I'll probably post couple of my other puzzles, though I've already posted some of them(see my profile).
the two pawns on either side of king made the mate! n that made this a puzzle!
this is a truuuuuuuuuuuuue puzzle