's Komodo: 1 second (for the last one).
Mates that are difficult for engines's Komodo: 1 second (for the last one).
Oops, you're right, that was the wrong mate in 6 that I posted
I accidentally copied and pasted the wrong one.
Here is the correct mate in 6:
White to play and mate in 11
Mate is 11 was solved instantly for Dragon.
Wow! impressive. You must have a monster of a computer
@DesperateKingWalk what are your computer specs?
AMD 2950x Threadripper, 64GB Ram, 2 TB SSD NVMe, RTX 2080 GPU
And built and designed to test chess engines for my YouTube Channel.
Jezuz!! what a monster. No wonder your engine found that mate instantly
The mate in 6 was easy for Stockfish and Threadripper.
yep, easy for me and you because we are using the local version of Stockfish and of course the latest development versions, but not on the engines they use on
And what about the mate in 9?
The mate in 6 was easy for Stockfish and Threadripper.
What was the time on the solution? My comp which is slower than yours (about 75% of your KNS on the latest Stockfish development version) doesn't solve it very quickly at all, I suspect it may be because I'm not using tablebases as I see you are.
And what about the mate in 9?
It found a mate in 22 for the mate in 9 and did not solve it correctly.
It solved the mate in 6 in about 5 to 7 seconds if I remember. The photo has 9 seconds but it was already solved and it took a few seconds to get a screen shot.
And the TB are most likely your issue. I am using 7 man TB.
It was the TBs, I enabled them and got 10 seconds. by the way what is the link to your YouTube channel so I can check it out.
Here is a mate in 5 once again not too easy for engines, unless you are using a mate-solver or something like Crystal 5 KWK:
Pretty easy for Threadripper.
I can see I'm going to have to step up my game for Threadripper.
Mate in 21:
I had to edit this as I had it incorrectly down as a mate in 31.
How about a mate in 58:
This one MIGHT be able to be solved in fewer moves, but I did get it down to 58
Here's a nice mate in 12 that trips up a lot of engines:
Were you able to get that crazy mate in 20?
I'll post some more when I get home from work.
Here is a puzzle known as "Plaskett's Puzzle" that is very well known for computer chess, it is actually a chess endgame study created by the Dutch endgame composer Gijs van Breukelen around 1970, it was origanally supposed to be a "white to play and win study", but with the advent of computer engines I found out that there is actually a forced mate in this position. If you would like to read more about this study here is a nice link:
White mates in 32 moves OR Less!
White to move and mate in 9 moves