Okay, let me think...
EDIT: I only intended that to be funny, but after a quick calculation I got the correct answer on the first try. It had to be a forcing move, and there aren't that many available (two, in fact). Granted, I only calculated what would happen if black moved his queen in the way and found that it would result in a win for white in far less than 78 moves. I didn't bother with all the possible escape squares for the king. In other words, I got lucky.
I found an interesting positionin the Nalimov 6 man base, in a natural looking position, White can force mate in 78 moves, with a unique 1st move solution (meaning any other 1st move draws).
So, my question is, is there a player on this good earth that can confidently find the winning line?
Can (eg) Anand win this against the best Black response from the table base 100% of the time?