How did you even manage to find this post after six whole years bro
Nothing is easier on than finding the newest and the oldest posts. The navigation tool always give you a "last" page to jump to. That's why you see more bumps from the "Big Bang" (2007) than e.g. from 2012.
Btw, rather than navigating you can simply edit the page number in the url. It will get you any place quickly once you have a general idea of the correspondence between years and page numbers.
1.Ba+ Kc4 2.b3+ Kd3 3.Bb5+ Ke4 4.Rg4+ Rf4 5.Rxf3# 1-0
How did you even manage to find this post after six whole years bro
Nothing is easier on than finding the newest and the oldest posts. The navigation tool always give you a "last" page to jump to. That's why you see more bumps from the "Big Bang" (2007) than e.g. from 2012.
Btw, rather than navigating you can simply edit the page number in the url. It will get you any place quickly once you have a general idea of the correspondence between years and page numbers.