
make a fork and promote!


how can black win?

3. Kg3 and it's a draw.
ka49s wrote: 3. Kg3 and it's a draw.


ka49s wrote: 3. Kg3 and it's a draw.

black to move, buddy.

Not after 2...Ne5+, pal
Yup. It's a draw after Kg3.

This is a draw. The "solution" has the wrong move of 3. Ke4?? when in fact 3. Kg3!! is devestating for black.


3.Kg3 to capture the pawn at the next move.

Nice puzzle, forcing the Queen, King fork which eventually allows the pawn to promote.
Evil_Homer wrote: Nice puzzle, forcing the Queen, King fork which eventually allows the pawn to promote.

 I'm always amazed at responses that prove they haven't read the other replies. Not only is this obviously drawn, but any player, no matter their skill level, needs only read a few sentences to be convinced of that simple fact.

silentfilmstar13 wrote: Evil_Homer wrote: Nice puzzle, forcing the Queen, King fork which eventually allows the pawn to promote.

 I'm always amazed at responses that prove they haven't read the other replies. Not only is this obviously drawn, but any player, no matter their skill level, needs only read a few sentences to be convinced of that simple fact.

But that's not the topic title or the idea of the puzzle is it?  He asks " how can Black win"?  Not how can white force a draw?

Since the other replies were off topic, I duly ignored them.

Perhaps you should pay attention to the topic and not get drawn off by other replies.

Evil_Homer wrote: silentfilmstar13 wrote: Evil_Homer wrote: Nice puzzle, forcing the Queen, King fork which eventually allows the pawn to promote.

 I'm always amazed at responses that prove they haven't read the other replies. Not only is this obviously drawn, but any player, no matter their skill level, needs only read a few sentences to be convinced of that simple fact.

But that's not the topic title or the idea of the puzzle is it?  He asks " how can Black win"?  Not how can white force a draw?

Since the other replies were off topic, I duly ignored them.

Perhaps you should pay attention to the topic and not get drawn off by other replies.

 Black cannot win without an error by his opponent.  Since the opponent in a puzzle situation is the best move, there will be no error and, therefore, no win.  The fork does not allow the pawn to promote.  Also, discussing an error in a puzzle is hardly off topic when the puzzle itself is the topic.


Let's just agree to disagree.

The guy has gone to the trouble of putting a puzzle together and if there are two solutions then so be it, even if his point is still well made.


Fair enough.