
Intricate Attack on the White Queen


There's a lot of forethought involved in this puzzle. Plan carefully!

tonydal wrote: Looks like there's 3 Na5

If 3. Na5 then 3...Bxc5 4. Nxc4 Bxa3 5. bxa3 dxc4 for an even exchange of material. It is a better move, but the white player didn't see this far enough in advance. He was planning 4. Nxe6 for control of the file for his rook, although I wasn't clear on how he was planning on getting his bishop out of the way.

anyone142313 wrote: tonydal wrote: Looks like there's 3 Na5

If 3. Na5 then 3...Bxc5 4. Nxc4 Bxa3 5. bxa3 dxc4 for an even exchange of material. It is a better move, but the white player didn't see this far enough in advance. He was planning 4. Nxe6 for control of the file for his rook, although I wasn't clear on how he was planning on getting his bishop out of the way.

 3. Na5 Bxc5

4. Nxc4 Bxa3

5. Nxa3 and white is up a piece. 

i think Qa5 instead of Qa3 is much better in order for white to gain a tempo. after Qa5.....Qc4....then Nd4 is good for white.