
Hardest mate in 1 puzzles


Mate in 1 puzzles are really fun. They are quite easy for most players, but still are fun! What we are trying to do here is to post hard mate in 1 puzzles, could you solve all of them? Could you post a hard one?

Puzzle composed by me Laughing
quite hard for some







Mate in 1

BigDoggProblem wrote:








Mate in 1

How did black get into this pos. if it's white to move? What could his last move have been? This means it is black to move. Since he just has a king, he can't deliver mate. Thus, your puzzle is unsolvable.

FutureRain wrote:
Puzzle composed by me 
never say such a hard mate in 1 puzzle

That's easy.


Yes- here's hy puzzle:


WTP, mate in 1


Try to find it. Here's the answer, highlight to read

1.exf6 e.p.#

aman_makhija wrote:

Try to find it. Here's the answer, highlight to read

1.exf6 e.p.#

But how do you know black's last move was ...f7-f5?

aman_makhija wrote:
BigDoggProblem wrote:








Mate in 1

How did black get into this pos. if it's white to move? What could his last move have been? This means it is black to move. Since he just has a king, he can't deliver mate. Thus, your puzzle is unsolvable.

In a Mate in 2, both black and white play moves. So why can't they both play a move in a mate in 1?

1NaturalDisaster wrote:

How would we know that white could do en passant?????

We know that because it's the only possiblle Checkmate in one.


FutureRain wrote:

Puzzle composed by me 

never say such a hard mate in 1 puzzle

With regard to post #2.

That's a pretty cool "finesse" type of checkmate.

BigDoggProblem wrote:
aman_makhija wrote:

Try to find it. Here's the answer, highlight to read

1.exf6 e.p.#

But how do you know black's last move was ...f7-f5?

Dude, you have to figure that out. Otherwise how can you do the mate? 

PS. Why did you show my solution?!!

Due to the fact that the black king and queen are on the wrong colour, the pieces must have come from the other side of the board. So black can't take the knight as pawns can't move back!

These are all exceptional (except the one from BigDoggProblem I think is disqualified).  Thank you for posting!


'Tis pretty easy to solve my one, but can you understand why 'tis a mate?

aman_makhija wrote:
BigDoggProblem wrote:
aman_makhija wrote:

Try to find it. Here's the answer, highlight to read

1.exf6 e.p.#

But how do you know black's last move was ...f7-f5?

Dude, you have to figure that out. Otherwise how can you do the mate? 

PS. Why did you show my solution?!!

I contend that your problem has no solution. That is why I did not bother to hide it.

Say you walked into a room and two players were playing this position. They've told you it's white to move. Isn't it far more likely that Black's last move was something OTHER than ...f7-f5?

theguide42 wrote:

These are all exceptional (except the one from BigDoggProblem I think is disqualified).  Thank you for posting!

You're too easily impressed.

BigDoggProblem wrote:
aman_makhija wrote:
BigDoggProblem wrote:
aman_makhija wrote:

Try to find it. Here's the answer, highlight to read

1.exf6 e.p.#

But how do you know black's last move was ...f7-f5?

Dude, you have to figure that out. Otherwise how can you do the mate? 

PS. Why did you show my solution?!!

I contend that your problem has no solution. That is why I did not bother to hide it.

Say you walked into a room and two players were playing this position. They've told you it's white to move. Isn't it far more likely that Black's last move was something OTHER than ...f7-f5?

There is no other solution, so you must conclude that enpassant is legal!