
First Puzzle... Tell me what you think!!


 Good luck!

good stuff.

This is lacking in puzzle qualities because the first (and obvious) knight-forking move is decisive, and thereafter there are too many winning continuations for White. There is no reason, for instance, he should not play 3. Rxd8, when he clears both black rooks and gains another queen, or 3. BXb7 etc., instead of the line shown in the solution. Likewise there is no reason for the Black king to walk into mate by taking the White knight; if he does not do this, mate takes at least two more moves instead of one.

The surprise in a puzzle comes when you can demonstrate a win in a situation in which a win appears to be impossible. 

Ricardo_Morro wrote:

This is lacking in puzzle qualities because the first (and obvious) knight-forking move is decisive, and thereafter there are too many winning continuations for White. There is no reason, for instance, he should not play 3. Rxd8, when he clears both black rooks and gains another queen, or 3. BXb7 etc., instead of the line shown in the solution. Likewise there is no reason for the Black king to walk into mate by taking the White knight; if he does not do this, mate takes at least two more moves instead of one.

The surprise in a puzzle comes when you can demonstrate a win in a situation in which a win appears to be impossible. 

i agree.

and 3. Qd7?? 3. Re8-d8 loses queen. not a good puzzle.

I liked it!
black is an awful player

you actually have two options for the last move.... you could have taken the pawn insted of the night.... it was alright

would not have gone to Qd7, would have taken the rook and got a new queen