
Epic mate puzzle

I reached this position in a rapid game. I thought I blundered my knight for a second, but found a very nice mating counter attack. Can you spot it?
SpongeScrubG wrote:
I reached this position in a rapid game. I thought I blundered my knight for a second, but found a very nice mating counter attack. Can you spot it?

I'm afraid the White attack requires Black to make a blunder, for example what if Black played 16...Qd4! instead of 16...Qxb2??, then there would be no mating attack for White.


True. I included the previous move, because it is tempting for black to pick up the free knight. The mate threat is not so clear if you do not know about it. 16. Re1 is still the best move for white in this position, so from a puzzle perspective it does not really matter.