Easy One
This puzzle is not correct, because it relies on hoping Black will blunder. 1.Nxb7 Bxd4! 2.Nxd8 and now Black's material advantage wins easily, especially since simplifications are in the air such as Bxe3 3.fxe3 Nxd8 4.exf7 Nxf7.
"Miss, miss and miss...."
Exactly. :)
What would you do after 1... Bxd4 or 1... Rxb7
For 1...Bxd4, if 2. Nxd8 Bxe3+ 3. fxe3 4. Nxd8 and your e pawn will disapear soon and white is up material. If you don't eat the queen I suspect black should be able to keep his queen and be up material while trading down.
heh... too late.
Yes, I see that the puzzle is flawed. In an attempt to clear up owther issues while constructing it I misplaced black's black bishop and accidentally introduced 1.. Rxb7 which undermines the combination.
I'm here to learn and improve my game and I quite enjoy the puzzles on this site. I thought I'd make an effort to return some content and to learn a little more in the process. I appreciate the feedback -- hopefully it will lead to tighter puzzles in the future.
In response to 1.Qa4, take a look at this line:
1.Qa4 dxc5 2.Rxd8 Nxd8 3.exf7 Nxf7 4.Bxc5 b6
This includes some material concessions, but I believe is winning for black. He still has the material advantage, and will be able to get his many pieces to better squares in time. In the meantime, white does not seem to have enough force to make black pay for his currently jammed position.