Those who solved the puzzle, write your names in the forum.
Can you solve this puzzle?
Oops, I allowed 6 people. (@Arsyyyyyyy and @playdsmehra DM'd the solution.)
The answer is 1. Bxb6+ Ke7 2. Qc7+ Nd7 3. Qd8+ Kd6 4. Nf7#
I'd appreciate your sending me a direct message with the solution. It would mean a lot to me to have proof that you were able to solve the puzzle. You would also get the trophy only if you DM me. (This is the only exception.)
Puzzle number 1: white is up a queen and a rook. After the obvious Nf7+, white is up a queen and two rooks. Every legal move wins.
A puzzle should have 1 solution. Only 1. This is an antipuzzle.
Puzzle number 1: white is up a queen and a rook. After the obvious Nf7+, white is up a queen and two rooks. Every legal move wins.
A puzzle should have 1 solution. Only 1. This is an antipuzzle.
Puzzle no. 1 is a mate; it is not to find a fork.
I saw that some puzzles have many solutions.
There is 1 mate-in-one, but at least 2 mates in 2.
Solve the given puzzle. If you solved the puzzle, DM me. I will try to give you a trophy.
Don't post the solution here.
After 5 answers, I will give a new puzzle.
King Ensnared