It looks like White is lost in this position.
Can you get the big sac in this posible position?
The position is illegal. Hikaru must have looked cross-eyed to see that one
??? 😕
The position is illegal. Hikaru must have looked cross-eyed to see that one
??? 😕
Oh sorry sorry, i dindt see that
the real is this:
white play and draw
The position is illegal. Hikaru must have looked cross-eyed to see that one
I agree
The position is illegal. Hikaru must have looked cross-eyed to see that one
??? 😕
Oh sorry sorry, i dindt see that
the real is this:
white play and draw
What he meant by "illegal" is that the position could not have been reached in a normal game of chess, the reason is the Bishop on the b1 square, how did it get there if the pawns on the a2 and c2 squares are on their original starting squares and have never moved?
I personally don't care about whether a position is legal or not as long as it is playable, if I did worry about that then I would have to throw out half of Otto Blathy's compositions.
Now on to your second diagram, it still looks like Black wins rather easily, there is no drawing resource for White. No matter what White does he gets mated in no more than 16 moves with correct play by Black.
That bizarre b1 bishop should probably be somewhere else.I have no idea where to put it to have a solution in either position.
What he meant by "illegal" is that the position could not have been reached in a normal game of chess, the reason is the Bishop on the b1 square, how did it get there if the pawns on the a2 and c2 squares are on their original starting squares and have never moved?
I personally don't care about whether a position is legal or not as long as it is playable, if I did worry about that then I would have to throw out half of Otto Blathy's compositions.
Yes, indeed, and those have been thrown out long ago! They are now in the joke section which is free format for your imagination. Though it is not quite half of his compositions, only half of those which already look quirky. Blathy was aware of the issue and tried to walk the thin blue line whenever he could. A good example is his famous knight mate after an excelsior and an underpromotion which he skilfully kept legal.
Btw, there is no definition for playable in chess though there are various uses of that word where it may be derived from natural language. In a mathematical context, an illegal position is not part of the semantic space of chess as it cannot be derived from its axioms. That's why chess is mathematically incomplete. Not a big problem unless you start pretending that you can play chess forward from any position. You can't because the state of a chess game is not defined by the board position alone. you need critical information from the game history as well. And you can only reconstruct that by using the chess axioms from move 1. Did you know that probably all positions you ever published or posted anywhere could be drawn chess positions?
From context clues, I assume the intended solution is 1. Qg8 Rxg8?? stalemate, but as has already been pointed out, it doesn't work because it's not forced. Black doesn't take the queen immediately, he plays 1. ... Qb7+ 2. Kh2 Rxg8 and then Qh7#. White's effectively down a rook without any forcing tactical resources; he must lose.
the answer
imagine if the black has (1) ELO
white play and draw
only a GM like Hikaru can see the draw in 1