Black to move and win
Fixed. I forgot to add somw pawns in the puzzle.
If white plays 2.b5 then black plays 2...c5.
If he plays c5 bxa6 turning the b5 square into an area the king can escape to and if black recaptures it turns the a6 pawn in to a weakness which recquires a king move to protect in order to maintain the mate threat but that can be blocked by bishop takes f7 heres my line of thinking>first move white 1b5 1c5 2bxa6 2Nxc4+ 3Ka4 3bxa6 4Bxf7 4Kb6+ 5Ka5 5Kb7 (threatening Mate Kc6) 6Bd5+ from there black has lost all chance of mating and if he chooses to trade down.White will control blacks queening squares so his best hope is for a draw.Hope i havent stuffed that up lol