One day when I'm sitting in front of my empty chessboard I hit upon an interesting idea of a pin. This involves pin and counter-pin!
An Asorski Original
White mates in 2.
rxg5+ then Qxg5# seems a lot simpler to me, and I believe it's forced.
Sorry Pandaval, but 1. Rxg5+ Nxg5 2.Qxg5+ Bf5! defends!! So no mate in 2. Anyway thanks.
queen e3is the key move
Great problem. Good extensive use of pins. I like the quiet solution move.
Thanks everyone for checking my posts. Now check my latest chess puzzle here at More Puzzles. Enjoy!
Great puzzle Asorski, awesome creativity!
One day when I'm sitting in front of my empty chessboard I hit upon an interesting idea of a pin. This involves pin and counter-pin!
An Asorski Original
White mates in 2.