A nice tactic for a draw!
awesome move(s). It's a always great accomplishment when one, down in material, can somehow accomplish a draw.
reminds me a little of a game I sacrificed my lone bishop for two pawns, or something like that, and ended up drawing as all my opponent, who, at least at the time, was much better than me, had left were two knights.
That's a pretty amazing puzzle.
I can't believe that people find and play out positions like these on a daily basis.
Congrats! I'm trying to overcome feeling hopeless as soon as I go down in material. I've been trying to fight on and I've managed to turn a few games around as well. Never lose the fighting spirit!
I am glad it's an interest for my article after five months! Let's me add that my oponent in the game was Gonnosuke, and that his actuall rating is 2642 and he is ranked No 3 at! I have a draw against No 3, cool!
Only a four hours ago, I submited a sideline from my curent game: A quiet move after a sacrifice. in the meantime, this game is finished (draw). My oponent has rating +2300 and it was a wery sharp game, full of interesting tactics! I will submit a whole game with some comment. Here, the first diagram show a development after the moment in my previous post, and the second diagram is a puzle.