
Chess words.


Hello better-than-me-at-chess players!

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The idea is that we make a dictionary of chess words. I request that you add only 3 or less words per post, so if someone else wants to put a word in, they actually have the chance to do so.

  1. check - (Chek) when a King is under attack but has a way to escape.
  2. checkmate - (Chek-mayte) when a King is under attack and can not escape. 
  3. Rook - (RUK) A castle-like piece that starts in corners and moves on ranks & files.
Bishop - (BISH-up) A piece that travels along diagonals, thus only letting it get to 32 squares.
5. Queen- (kwEEn) Often considered the most powerful piece in the game due to its superior movement range. It can move horizontally, veritically and diagonally and starts on D1 and D8.

en passant - (awn pass-awn) Originating from the French words for "in passing," en passant is a chess move with pawns as demonstrated below: