
Looking for chess players who live in the Statesville/Troutman North Carolina area.


I am looking for chess players to help start a club in my area.

I would suggest browsing the local public library’s website. Maybe there is already an established club.

Here in Durham, I was surprised to find 2 separate clubs meeting on alternate SATs.

Public areas like coffee shops, even WholeFoods dining area, or bars might be your next best bet.

GL finding places and players for chess!

(If you’re ever near Durham/Raleigh… send me a PM.)

I have already checked the public library in Statesville and Troutman and did postings on their bulletin boards. The lady at the Statesville library said that they used to sponsor a chess club several years ago. Statesville did have a club but it folded about 11 years ago. I did a posting at the coffee shop in Troutman over a year ago and picked up one player there. Also last year I did a posting on our local social site and picked up one player. There is club in Charlotte and one in Hickory but they are a long drive away. I would like to get something started in my area.

Thank you for your response.

George Pattie


Hmmm… here are some other ideas to keep trying in addition to the LIB, which hopefully take off:

•post a Craigslist Ad,

•host a Cookout (bring folding table & 2+ boards),

•just setup at a Park on pretty day,

•check out the Meetup App,

•keep a set in your car

•travel to a nearby tournament

•don’t give up!!
Also, here is a list of clubs in the state of NC:
Few more suggestions:

•inquire at local Senior Centers

•set up in a bookstore

•inquire at Children’s Hospital

•set up at a Farmer’s Market (usually very friendly & curious folks about)

I forgot all about Craigslist. I have used it several times to sell things. Good idea.! I have also thought about posting a chess party at my house on our social site.  I have already tried the Statesville Senior Center. I went there on their scheduled board games day and no one showed up. There have been some tournaments at the local school and college but I missed them. Thank you very much for your input. If I have any luck I will let you know.


Ur not too far from Charlotte (35-40 miles) and it has one of the best and busiest chess clubs in America.  Peter has done an amazing job with not only all the classes for different levels but all the tournaments, including all the famous names he gets to come to Charlotte for his events on a regular basis. 

in raleigh me