Any place where I can play chess in Charlotte NC?
Charlotte has likely one of the top chess clubs in the U.S. I get along with Leland very well & I've went to his club many times, the Charlotte Chess Club, but I gotta admit that Peters club, Charlotte Chess Center, is one of the best period. There's stuff for every level, from classes for complete beginners to GM tournaments sent live worldwide & everything in between. All different time control events, different ages, everything u can think of. Peter Giannatos has done a superb job with that place. Unfortunately I haven't been in several years but I still follow it online.
Follow post 3, NOT post 2!
I have been at post 2 from 1997 to 2009 and 2013 to 2014 and regret it! The fact that in 2000 he had a half dozen to a dozen players between 1800 and 2300 and now he barely has that many all told should tell you something.
I am an active member and have been since inception of the Charlotte Chess Center (post 3). Also, in post 2, it is $25 to join and then 5 dollars per game per week on Wednesday. Charlotte chess center? $40 per year, but play is free on Tuesday night (play 4 Tuesdays a year and you are already ahead) and $5 discount to almost every Saturday event.
Join the one mentioned in post 3!