Also as a suggestion, can you please post the rating changes on the game before it is started. So that you can see how many points you stand to gain/loose.
They already do...
Also as a suggestion, can you please post the rating changes on the game before it is started. So that you can see how many points you stand to gain/loose.
They already do...
Also as a suggestion, can you please post the rating changes on the game before it is started. So that you can see how many points you stand to gain/loose.
They already do...
Also as a suggestion, can you please post the rating changes on the game before it is started. So that you can see how many points you stand to gain/loose.
They already do...
Yep, we do, but those arent always accurate. If the game you are playing with your opponent takes a few days, and in those few days, they (or you) manage to finish a lot of other games, the rating adjustment can change a lot.
Also as a suggestion, can you please post the rating changes on the game before it is started. So that you can see how many points you stand to gain/loose.
They already do...
Yep, we do, but those arent always accurate. If the game you are playing with your opponent takes a few days, and in those few days, they (or you) manage to finish a lot of other games, the rating adjustment can change a lot.
Ah, I was talking abotu Live Chess
With all due respect, do you fully understand the formula? Because most people don't.
I understand how it works but not the exact numbers involved. I know that the rating change is based upon 5 things, result of game, previous ratings (of white and black) and surity. If fewer points relative to the winner the losser has the more points there are to gain. If its a draw then the points go to the lower ranked player, in varying amounts depending on the difference. And the surity means that game with lower ranked players are suceptable to more changeas the ratings are no so certain so the player should be moved to a more surer rating sooner. Thogh personalyl i think that it should be games with less surity have a smaller impact.
The formula seems a bit random in the points it gives, it says that if there is a player who is has not played much before then the rating is not very sure so it likely to change a lot. SO how come a game of 1200 vs 1048 when the 1200 has no previous games results in a 19 point change in score. I mean if there is a 39 point change when I play someone ranked arround 1090 with a much higher surity.
Also as a suggestion, can you please post the rating changes on the game before it is started. So that you can see how many points you stand to gain/loose.