What do you like in Live Chess Quick, Bitz or Long?
i love blitz because it still gives u time to think but also makes the moves relatively quick so as to keep the game going. 5 5 and 10 0 are the best. Not alot of blitz players around 1050 :(....
I like 10/0. It gives you enough time to think that you actually can gain stuff from the games you play.
Long is best for me. Blitz messes with my chess playing ability. Although there are more and more cheaters in long, so I stopped playing as much.
How much time do you think is sufficient time to use a chess engine, I mean is 10 minutes long enough to win with one.
Long is the only true way I feel I can improve, the others are just "Let's see how many moves I can make in 1 minute!", which takes no real chess thought at all.
Blitz. I hate quick because I fail. Long, it is somewhat annoying if the other person takes foreverrrr.
I like Quick.