
Use firefox!!

Skipp wrote:
newcgeo wrote:

I recently changed to google chrome for all my internet access, it gives much better graphics performance on my system than than both IE7 and firefox. I have only played a few live games using it so I am uncertain how stable it is for live play.

Be careful with Chrome. If you read the EULA carefully, you'll notice way, way, down, that anything you post [text, photos,etc] is then considered to be their property. Which they can then use in any manner they choose. Including using it in advertisings, etc, w/o any compensation.


Thanks for the warning I will have a closer look at fine print.  I do like the simple and practical direction they seem to be taking, rather than the bloated microsoft approach.

newcgeo wrote:
Skipp wrote:
newcgeo wrote:

I recently changed to google chrome for all my internet access, it gives much better graphics performance on my system than than both IE7 and firefox. I have only played a few live games using it so I am uncertain how stable it is for live play.

Be careful with Chrome. If you read the EULA carefully, you'll notice way, way, down, that anything you post [text, photos,etc] is then considered to be their property. Which they can then use in any manner they choose. Including using it in advertisings, etc, w/o any compensation.


Thanks for the warning I will have a closer look at fine print.  I do like the simple and practical direction they seem to be taking, rather than the bloated microsoft approach.

 Fine print always give you nooks and crannies.




Version 7 also has security flaws.


Yeah firefox really helped for me as well.It also depends on your internet and whether it is good or not :)