Try a different browser like Google Chrome, see if that works.
still cant connect!!!!!
there is more than just one issue here, ive realized... when im plaing a game, and i try to leave myself a note, the note never submits on my screen. it appears like its still submitting my note (the little circular thing spins forever and the box that i see my typing in remains gray forever.) the same thing happens when i send a message to my opponet via the game board message/moves/details/notes panel... i think my live chess problem and these problems are related.. let me know what you think.
i posted this message yesterday... "for about the past 2 or 3 days i havent been able to log in... it goes as far as the "logging in...please wait.." screen and ive been waiting for hours now... ive tryed it several time ..i use firefox 3.0.. it just sits on that screen with the little white and grey bar still moving... please help!"
nothing has been do to help me.. im try to play!!! someone please assist me.. clearing cache didnt work...