
Sore Losers-How To Deal With It.


I Just HATE it when you play against a sore loser,

I was playing against a guy who was a few moves away from defeat (who out I shall not name)-I played as Black

After I cut away my opponent's last piece (besides a he had few 'bad' pawns left) He kept me waiting and waiting-giving me the silent treatment, and my next move was pawn promotion to queen and this this was a "long rated" game.

He knew he was defeated, but he had no honor to resign, instead he gave me the silent treatment. *This guy's rating was also higher than mine during the match and he was nearly twice my age, he sure sets a great example for us younger players-im 15.

So the final 2 minutes were underway....and all of a sudden I get DISCONNECTED, Like come on I've been waiting for so long till I win by time knockout at least!

Well, after I accepted that I had officially lost, I was frustrated and annoyed. After a stressful 20 minutes of being felt like a guy who lost to a sore loser, I felt like a total fool of getting frustrated over a lost match-even though I would of actually won.

So the lesson here is:

Don't get upset about nothing even though your eyes tell you they seem meaningful to mourn over for-DON'T. Just get over it, in the end YOU ARE THE WINNER-for you are ready for the next match-you have experienced an unjust defeat and you have learned to survive...that is an ability that you only have, that is something that your opponent does not have.

Never Give Up-That's the Chess Way Smile


Hope you found this helpful.


yea thats happned to me more times than it should have. That's why I don't like playing live chess that much, I am waiting till it is officially declared fully functional as currently it is a BETA version.


nice game, too bad this site doesn't save the games that end on a disconect. He most likely wouldn't what to continue the game after you requested to , but you could get the game ajudicated in your favor after the admin person got to review the game. I know it is not the same as winning the game as it flowed, but you get some satisfaction and a light is turned on above your opponant. Showing he may not be a worthy member if too many lights shinning down on him  that shows how he conducts himself, maybe he'll get to be a better member or be asked to leave . I have requested that the admin here try to institute saved games. It wouldn't hurt if more people make the request.


Nice game KingPan.  You really kicked butt and and won quite handily.  All your moves make me envious and I am old enough to be your grandfather!Laughing


sorry to hear that,

Its happened to me to, and i like your attitude in response to this, because by in large 99% of the people Ive played do not act like that.



25. d4 Bxd4#

I think.


happened to me too. think you should always keep your cool in these kinds of situations.

i don't care about points, but i just do not want these soar losers to win. i once waited an hour (it was a long game) for him/her to run out of time. so i know how you feal about being disconnected and having that jerk win. just take pride in the fact that you won (you kicked his ass basically) from a way higher rated person.

i have also noticed that the admins on this website are really useless when it comes to these kinds of situations. that is my only complaint, just because i feel these people need some kind of punishment.


ps, i love how you managed to keep that passed pawn the whole game :)


27...Be3 28.g5 c1=N+ 29.Ke1 Bf3 and 30...Rd1# is another idea for a beautiful mate, with a stylish underpromotion thrown into the bargain :)

What a pity you got disconnected after a very good game. Waiting for this to happen is really bad sportsmanship...

KingPan wrote:
Seeyadude wrote:

Nice game KingPan.  You really kicked butt and and won quite handily.  All your moves make me envious and I am old enough to be your grandfather!

thanks :)

Keep rocking gramps! Cool

Seeyadude wrote:

Nice game KingPan.  You really kicked butt and and won quite handily.  All your moves make me envious and I am old enough to be your grandfather!

thanks :)


nice game with bad luck karma will reward you at some point!


that must SUCK!


Hey Thread Starter, I know how to fix this, sort of.

Make games that have a really max initial time, but big time increments, say like 2 10, or 1 15 or 2 15. That's what I do. Problem is, people are less tempted because it looks like a quick game at first.


You have a great attitude, and it will serve you well in life to have a wise mind at an young age....just pity the loser who gained such a hollow victory :-)


When you say 'giving you the silent treatment', do you mean you were being chatty, say suggesting he resign or similar?  If you were it's understandable he would punish you for your own breach of etiquette.


Yeah, I've also played people who stall defeat. At first I found it very annoying, but after a while it sort of just amused me. If the opponent still has at least 10 minutes left and the position on the board isn't complicated enough to require deep thought, then I just go do something else. Like play correspondence chess. Then I check every few minutes to see if my opponent makes a move or runs out of time.

I still remember there was one live chess game where my opponent stalled and I went to play correspondence chess; we both had around 10 minutes left, and it was clear that he would have to sacrifice his queen for a bishop or else be checkmated in one move. After a while he or she made a move, perhaps hoping I would abandon the game and run out of time. I come back to the game to find that my opponent was down to ~4 minutes and I, ~3. "SkpVwls wins by checkmate!", a few seconds later - "[Your opponent] has closed the game window." It seemed like he'd been waiting the whole time, hoping I would time out.

Failure. Laughing


Obviously hoping your opponent would disconnect is a bad thing, but it is completely a player's choice when to resign. They resign when they want to, and that's final. Players often want to see if the winning player knows how to chackmate them, which is the only way the end of the game can be forced. I once had only a king against my opponent's king and queen, but I played on because this player was lowly rated and he might not know how to checkmate with a king + queen. He didn't so it was eventually a draw by repitition. If he had disconnected, I wouldn't feel bad at all. I did not want him to disconnect, but I almost never resign.

Mm40 wrote:

Obviously hoping your opponent would disconnect is a bad thing, but it is completely a player's choice when to resign. They resign when they want to, and that's final. Players often want to see if the winning player knows how to chackmate them, which is the only way the end of the game can be forced. I once had only a king against my opponent's king and queen, but I played on because this player was lowly rated and he might not know how to checkmate with a king + queen. He didn't so it was eventually a draw by repitition. If he had disconnected, I wouldn't feel bad at all. I did not want him to disconnect, but I almost never resign.

I certainly don't want to turn this into another resignation etiquette thread, as there are way enough of those already. But I think you'll admit that just letting your clock run down in a dead lost position is something else than playing on and try to postpone the inevitable. While I belong to those viewing the latter with some scepticism I am ready to accept this is everyone's right, but running down the clock without moving is just bad sportsmanship - a player doing this wastes his and his opponents' time just to punish his opponent for playing better than himself.