Maybe these people click on the wrong game. It can happen because the list of seeks is changing really fast sometimes.
so many aborted games
Maybe these people click on the wrong game. It can happen because the list of seeks is changing really fast sometimes.
maybe - if so then that is a UI issue. A drag to start a game and then have someone abort for no apparent reason.
I agree with tomjoad. I am new to this site and many times a game is accepted, I make my first move and then the game is abandoned. It is bad manners and at least they should lose the game. Are they too good to play lesser ranked players. If we all only played better players there would not be many games
Maybe your opponents got the black pieces, my experience is that my opponents abort games more often when they got the black pieces.
I prefer to accept others seek rather than seek myself, and I never look at what colour I will play. Maybe thats why my live chess looks like this:
Havent counted , but it looks like I have played fare more games with black than white. I think the option of selecting colour when seeking opponents is pointless, on the other hand, its up to me if I will accept it or not.
i'm fairly new to the sight & have expierienced a seemingly high amount of abourted games midstream, right in the middle game & a few times in the end game. some times my oponent has the advantage. i've also had my dsl. disconnect mid game outa' no where. i'm not sure if it's my computer, my connections, or a glitch in the sight. are others wondering the same? regardless, i really dig & wanna thank all involed. wheather it's on my end or thier end, i'm guessing we'll figure it out soon. i mean we're in this together - right? hey, thanx again!
Lately with games I start on Live Chess I am getting a lot of higher ranked players who accept my 'seek' and then abort the game. It starts to get annoying. Is there a tech reason for this? I was thinking that maybe a person accepts a game and then during the slight start up lag accepts another, and then aborts one. OR they blindly accept any game without looking at the rating and then decide that my rating is too low.
My connection is usually good so I doubt it is due to lag. At any rate, it is annoying behavior so if you tend to do this, please refrain. Only accept games that you intend to follow through on.