I've actually begun selling chess rating insurance against disconnects in particular. For a small monthly fee, I will lose games to players who've been a victim of an unfair ratings drop due to a disconnect so that they can recover their lost rating points. Becuase this idea would undermine my business model I'm afraid I have to say that I vehemently oppose it.
protection against connexion trouble
I can't believe what I have just read...
Live chess is a beta and a beta has to be improved. I think ideas of users for improve live chess are important, no matter what business one user made up..
Difficult problem. What if your opponent never returns? Personally I think disconnects should have the option. If the players don't resume then the game should not effect your rating.
It was a joke, and I'm pretty sure would be at odds with a number of chess.com rules.
I think allowing users to reconnect to a game within a set time limit would be a great improvement.
this will be fixed within the next 5 days. games will be auto-ajourned on disconnect and can be immediately resumed. if they are NOT resumed within 7 days you can submit them to be adjudicated and a staff member will give draw/win/loss/abort based on the position.
what will prevent this from abuse? well, if you have an opponent who is online to resume and you try to resume and they refuse, then they can't play any more games online while that game is pending :)
That's great Erik! Disconnects were one of my main problems. Will this model be opt-out (ICC and FICS allow to set disconnect = forfeit and only play within that group if desired) or mandatory?
I'm not sure it's even better to have opt-out since it could make it hard to get a game for those who have disconnection problems and can only do so in their pool.
I've actually begun selling chess rating insurance against disconnects in particular. For a small monthly fee, I will lose games to players who've been a victim of an unfair ratings drop due to a disconnect so that they can recover their lost rating points. Becuase this idea would undermine my business model I'm afraid I have to say that I vehemently oppose it.
That was hilarious.
Hello everyone,
i got an idea today when, one move before win a game i was disconnected from live chess. And because of that, I lost.
So i think it could be a great idea to save live chess game and allow a player who have been disconnected to reconnect to live chess during a little moment like 1 minute.
What do you think?