was this in live chess or correspondence? try doing a complete browser refresh and clearing all cache.
pieces disapearing?
I had the same problem in live chess using the largest board size. I switched to a smaller board size and the problem dissapeared. It had something to do with me attempting to click in the chat area (below the board) and then back to the chess board. I lost many games that way. Once you get used to the smaller board it is not a problem.
wonder if this happens to anyone else?
just resigned a game becuase some of my pieces "disapeared".
sometimes pieces move on top of each other when the opponent moves (castling puts king on top of rook for example), and sometimes when I move a piece it just disapears off the board. I cant move it or anything after that happens.
I have tried using IE, firefox, and opera, and it seems to happen to each browser.
I am really enjoying playing chess online, but these issues are pretty darn aggravating.