When I returned to live chess, my total points actually went down because of the disconnection. Which give new meaning to the "you win" statement ... har... har.
new twist on disconnect
addendum II: I was wrong, the points going down was because it awarded a win on the first game, and a loss on the second game. these were simultaneous games that got disconnected at the same time. Both opponents turn to move.. and their clocks wound down. Looks like a whole mess of debugging still need to be done.
Opponent run out of time. At roughly 4 mins to my 11 min, i offered a draw because I suspect he was stuck and cant move. There was no response and the clock kept on winding down. When time ran out, chess.com declared I win, and declared my new rating at 1515 which was exactly the same I had before the game!
Then it disconnected me!!
I wonder, if the disconnection has anything to do with the fact that I did not move any pieces for more than 6 mininutes? How long does chess.com clock players before disconnecting them.. when there is no activity?