
Lose game even no time left for the opposite player


Following has now happen several times:

I have a good position in the game, the probability to win the game is very high, I have plenty of time left. The opposite player is in bad position, and has almost no time left and it's now his turn. But he let the time runs to end and make no move. At this point, when his time is finished, my connection always get disconnected, and a lose the game, even if the opposite players time is finished and it was his turn. Due to that this has happend several times, it's seem like (but hopefully not in common or unproper use) that some/many players using this method to win games even if they are in bad positions and have no time left to make any move. This case seem to occur when the the opposite player has at least 30 secunds left when his last turn begins, and then the opposite player doesn't need to do any move, just wait till no time is left and then safety win the game.


You may have been disconnected long before you relized it then...

Maybe. I don't know. Just a thought.


I think Theoryful is right...


I met a player how did just that, it was a 5 min game I recall but still weary anoying. But as theoryful says I think that most of the times it is just that you got disconected befor and the time just continue running becouse you dont get any signal that you that he is responding. I always have it so that when he does a move his time gets back, he has 58 seconds left when I reseve his last move and then the clock says 1:04 Thats occures becouse of the bad connection and that might be what you are experiancing.


thats "lag" also happens to me

Theoryful wrote:

You may have been disconnected long before you relized it then...

Maybe. I don't know. Just a thought.

This is the probable cause. I have noticed it myself. It takes some to show the disconnected message.


When I go and look at the game ( history ), I could find the move made by my opponent.


I hate this timing out problem, that I stopped playing 'Live chess'