i got it too
Live not working?
Oh. Yeah I've lost so many games because I kept getting disconnected..... and also because I'm stupid.. but yeah... beta....
It works fine for me.
Perhaps the gateway issue has been fixed.
As regards disconnections, they do give you a warning when you are logging onto Live.
I saw the same thing, but I once expanded the box for "players, games. friends" and now it is in a seperate page, and gone from above the public chat box. Even every time I log out and back in, It stays the same. I cant see how to put it back the way it was. In order to find and challange friends, I have to go to diffrent paige now, can anyone tell me how to put it back, where it is all on the same paige as the chess game and pulbic chat.
When I go to live, I get the below page. What's up? Is it just me?
502 Bad Gateway