
Is Live Chess good/bad for beginner?


Tried the blitz format...bad idea? So far I'm doing poorly, but it is fun...


Well, sweet and fun is important but you cannot live on candy alone. I guess slow games is the way to improve. 


Do whatever you enjoy. You play chess for fun after all dont you... :)

However if you want to improve blitz games may not be the best choice. Its better to do your best and try to read as deep as you can and evaluate positions which is impossible during blitz games.


Thanks EmTom, I thought so...There is a thrill to the blitz but as you said the real sense of the game comes from a lot of careful thought. It is a great, great game...


The general consensus of other forums dedicated to this topic have resulted in advice as such:

1) Play longer time controls (nothing shorter than 10mins)

2) Analyze all your games (using a chess engine)

3) Review your mistakes, learn from them.

4) Continue studying through books (start mostly with tactics)


With this strategy, you should see improvement. 


for me it is good the only thing that is bad is when you incountered a bad losser ,,try the 15 minutes game it will helps you more .

jeaczr4242 wrote:

for me it is good the only thing that is bad is when you incountered a bad losser ,,try the 15 minutes game it will helps you more .

 maybe that extra 5 minutes will change my world, thanks!

ChurchOfChess wrote:

Tried the blitz format...bad idea? So far I'm doing poorly, but it is fun...

You have more guts than I, My Good Fellow.  Live chess scares the crap out of me because I feel so pressured by the clock, even in longer games.  I stick with CC, so that there is no timer and I have all the time I want to make my bad moves. Undecided


simply biggeners must avoid live chess, especially rapid, blitz, n bullet, which merely discourage them....1st they acquire strength by playing slow simple as that...regards


I believe  beginners should focus on gradually gaining strength.  With that in mind, I believe it is best to play more traditionnal chess games and also games againt the computer.  However, one should not be so scared as not to try once in a while to go for a live chess game, as it is also important te be aware of the time constraint and the need for discipline and high level concentration that it requires.  That is also a key element in the learning process.


If you are a true novice, as I am, have your fun but take advantage of the Chess Mentor and Tactics Trainer. They are wonderful, wonderful tools for improvement. Between those and the correspondence games I've gone from 800+ to 1300+ since August. I'm not able to consistently defeat 1300+ players but my game is definitely much better and more thoughtful than when I started here.

I tried the live chess and it was like fabror said, candy and fun. I won a couple, I lost a couple.

The best thing you did (chess-wise) was join this site. If you can find a coach, teacher, mentor you won't believe how that combination of things will boost your playing.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


answer is: simply bad for biginner!!


Thanks for all the feedback! I'll stick to slower then...


i tried live chess and did poorly..  doin better by having more time to evaluate my moves.


im noob at chess, but i find blitz makes more wins for me. 1/2 the time i win by checkmate, 1/2 the time he ran out of time. i win about 2/3 of my games in blitz, but i always lose in online. i cant think, only good in fast games


Live chess is not bad for newbies, BLITZ is bad for newbies! If you play 15/10 game or a 20/0 game you will not be constrained by time like you are in blitz. You need to be playing a lot of games to improve. You cannot improve unless you can put what you are learning into practice. You need to see it over the board over and over again. Live Chess will be better then corespondance because you can play more games in a day.I reccomend playing at least 3 long games a day.

On a side note, buy a chess program, and have it analyze every game you play. Then you can see where you are making mistakes. Personally, I will input the moves in and look at all the other candidate moves the computer is coming up with so I can see if there is a better plan than the one I chose.

Play live chess, play people around your strength, just don't play blitz.


i only play blitz in increase my rating  thats all. i play online too, and i learn by losing all the time (4/5 of the time i lose because i cant think i just move then press the submit move button)