hmmm greedy
i win by gambit
yes it's a trap but for black or white ???
3. .. Nd4 ? is a mistake
you violate the opening principles move 1 piece twice and if white have played correctly he or she would have outplayed you in the opening.
white should have played sth like
4. Nc3 ,0-0 or d3 gaining much better position then black
and even after a weak 4.Ne5 ?? Qg5 not 5.Nf7 ?? but
5.Bf7+ Kd7
6.0-0 giving a minor piece for 2 pawns and weakening position of black's king
then black has advantage but the position is surely not lost
so all in all it's a risky trap both for white and black ;)
still congratulations on a quick victory
nice trap