Disconnecting and losing
I didn't disconnect on purpose. Pretty frustrating as it was a won position and I rarely get disconnected.
Dmytro wrote:
Staff men, may be you should restore my rating that gone low due too disconnection? The position was equal or even I had slightly better... And lost too a lower rated player((. I LOST! You understood? Now my rating is only 1497! Why should I suffer because of your curved hands?! Long time had passed but Live chess is still unfixed! P.S. I use Firefox 3.0.1.
Live Chess is still in beta, that means it is still not complete, it is still being tested/improved. I'm sorry you're still having problems with it, but I can assure you that we are still working on Live Chess day and night. Please bear with us as we continue to improve Live Chess to work as well as we all want it to work.
no se como permiten el ingreso de aficionados que juegan 1 ò 2 partidas y luego no siguen. deberian anular todas las partidas en las que pareticipò.
i lost all my points again by disconnected from server . i don't know what to say ,Pls. do something i loss my mode to play,thanks
Now my rating is only 1497! Why should I suffer because of your curved hands?!
“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).
Is there anything you should be telling us about your staff and their "curved hands" Erik?
*Compare/contrast the usefullness of curved hands with straight/circular/triangular hands.
** Extra credit will be awarded for examining the general case... n-tagonal hands.
I think what should be fixed ASAP is giving a loss after disconnection when only a few moves were made. I made once 4 moves with 200 lower rated opponent, was disconnected and got a loss. My rating took a hit. On FICS they abort the game if there were 5 or less moves made, I think.
So I was at the very end of a game with king+queen vs. king and I disconnected. The game counted as a loss for me. Since my opponent didn't have enough material to mate, shouldn't this be a draw?