
Computer Didn't Recognize A Mate


this was odd, the computer didnt register this as a mate, neither of us could figure out how to get out of it...

eventually he resigned, but can anyone tell me whats going on here?


That is a nifty diagram, whoevers turn it is has mate.


I'm assuming that the f pawn had just moved from f7 to f5 to place the queen in check.  That being the case, the g5 pawn can move to f6 thereby taking Black's pawn and removing the check.

The move is called en passant!


Since White is in check it has to be white's move.   The move is gxf5 en passant


exactly! so gxf5 en passant but then black has h7-h5 checkmate!

Kupov wrote:

That is a nifty diagram, whoevers turn it is has mate.

Well, that depends on what you mean by "has mate."

As immortalgamer pointed out, it has to be White's move. However, after 1. gxf5 e.p., Black still wins after 1. ...h5#, as ChristopherPace pointed out.


wow, i guess i hadnt even noticed that

umm, disregard