
Change Board Color?


When I try to change the board color mid-game, only a few squares change colors. I've read comments in the chat that I'm not the only one to have that problem. Very distracting. Fix it, plz. Smile

LoneWolfEburg wrote:

When I try to change the board color mid-game, only a few squares change colors. I've read comments in the chat that I'm not the only one to have that problem. Very distracting. Fix it, plz.

 how do you change the colors?


To change board colour, use the "control panel / settings" tab found above the main chatroom window. There you can choose which board colour you want.

Or you can use the main live chess settings page

If you change board style  (colour) whilst you are in a game, the game board will end up looking multi coloured with the more moves you make.Please wait until the game has ended to change the colours :)

Unless ofcourse you were looking for psychedelic ;)


It happens to me too


If you try to cahnge it mid game you wil get multi colors. The only way to fix that after your stuck with it, is you have to log out & then back in to reset the board. If you want to chage the colors you have to do it before you start a game.


I can't get the cool wood color I like.  I can get get it in Online just not Live. There are lots of colors to choose from but when I select from the woods I get blue.  Am I doing something wrong?


Figured it out,  no cool wood.  Frown


in the settings it says "marble blue, marble brow and marble green" plus I have seen some chess puzzles! in those particular the chess board looks really 3d and shiny and sort of real but I do not see the option to make my chess board look like that?


what is the matter here? is that option only for paid members? please tell? somebody!


And how to do that, but in online chess?


how to change board theme?


how do i change my board colour to purple? is there any setting to do it? I saw it in some stream.


no matter which color i select, I get green board. very annoying and you cant see Green pieces very well. I like brown chess board.