
'another login has been detected'


there's this really annoying bug on where on live chess i get the message 'another login has been detected' randomly popping up on my screen, forcing me to refresh. this has made me lose many games, and i've changed my password so i know it's a problem with the site.

does anyone get this too? needs to fix this...


It happens when you are in Live and have a session loaded in another tab or another device (such as the app). I've had it happen when I had a session on one computer open on Chrome, left for a while and opened another session to the site on a different device later. The session on the Chrome tab refreshed and caused it.


I know there have been some code updates in the beta to work on that problem but have no idea if that has made into the general code or not. Ideally, all session refreshes would prompt to see if they are actively being used rather than resetting a connection. That would require updating apps as well as the web at the same time though.


it happens when i only have one window up on my computer...weird bug.

klimtkiller1 wrote:

it happens when i only have one window up on my computer...weird bug.


And no session that may have been left active on another device? Because everytime I have seen the issue it has been due to a session on another device (including the app) or tab on the same device.


it's a complete pain, i get it while watching chesstv and following the live game at the same time...


You must physically log out after each session on every device/comp. Closing the site tab does not log you out (unlike many sites). This results in all these "complaints". Simply put, is able to keep tabs on your activities and assumes you are logged in twice.

ProfessorPownall wrote:

You must physically log out after each session on every device/comp. Closing the site tab does not log you out (unlike many sites). This results in all these "complaints". Simply put, is able to keep tabs on your activities and assumes you are logged in twice.


That is the safest method, though, being sure to close out all instances of Live is enough.


Implementing a confirmation when another session is detected (confirmation on the session requesting access) would go a long way to solving most of the problems.


You're probably logged in somewhere else; this happened to me when I was logged in on both my phone and my laptop, it said the same thing. Just make sure one or the other is closed before beginning a game and you should be fine. The system is just trying to make sure you or someone else isn't trying to log into your account twice, so it isn't a bug, more of a safety measure.


klimtkiller1 wrote:

there's this really annoying bug on where on live chess i get the message 'another login has been detected' randomly popping up on my screen, forcing me to refresh. this has made me lose many games, and i've changed my password so i know it's a problem with the site.

does anyone get this too? needs to fix this...

klimtkiller1 wrote: there's this really annoying bug on where on live chess i get the message 'another login has been detected' randomly popping up on my screen, forcing me to refresh. this has made me lose many games, and i've changed my password so i know it's a problem with the site.does anyone get this too? needs to fix this...

Martin_Stahl wrote:
klimtkiller1 wrote:

it happens when i only have one window up on my computer...weird bug.


And no session that may have been left active on another device? Because everytime I have seen the issue it has been due to a session on another device (including the app) or tab on the same device.

literally even if i dont have anything else up. the strange thing is that sometimes (and i know this from seeing my dad play on his account and im on his friends list) my account becomes active when im not even on my laptop, as if someone else has my details. i've tried changing my password but it doesnt help.

Stephenson2 wrote: has no problem with payed members getting two accounts mods have stated as much they do not worry so you should not

I don't believe it.

Please provide a reference to the forum where a mod said that.


Someone else is using your account


Just had a sharp game with 4 secs remaining on each side: it has popped up and I lost - I do not use any other device for and there was no other window open. 


Sometimes. When I click the x in the top right corner of my screen. That tab itself completely disappears! I have lost a few games due to this bug.


I own no phone, I just have my computer, I only have one tab open and I still get this all the time. IT is SO annoying.


yea it sometimes happens to me but sometimes I can have many tabs open at the same time


Yes, same with me i click to view another game, opens automatically another browser TAB and 
pops up that message!

superchessmachine wrote:

Sometimes. When I click the x in the top right corner of my screen. That tab itself completely disappears! I have lost a few games due to this bug.


You poor baby! Losing games because of a bug.  I guess all that hard work using your chess engine to make moves for you was for nothing when that happened! 


This message ending the game “you are logged on to another device” is a certain cheat code that opens use when they are has been going on for years. Shame on for not fixing this bug. It has nothing so ever to being actively logged onto another device.This claim, which always appears first, is bogus balderdash so the freakin engineers at refuse to fix this freggin bug!!!! Shame on


I had this happen a few days ago on my desktop at the exact moment a notification from the app appeared on my phone. It seems like the phone app was generating a sign in event? I reported it via the Report a Bug link.