
Accidental Moves


Hey guys, I just joined and REALLY like it. The only problem that I find is that I've lost like 2-3 games, right at checkmate, because I accidentally moved my mouse in the wrong place. I would really love to have a solution to this problem, and I think it would be AMAZING if the crew can help fix this. Please post your ideas on what we could do about this, or if this happens to you as well. I was thinking that maybe when you drop your piece, you have to click on it once to confirm your place there (Not like online chess where you submit, I think that would give a penalty for time, but just clicking on the piece.) But this is just an idea, please post all suggestions. Also, this is a VERY big problem for me, and it's definitely worth fixing. Thanks



Ive lost a few games because of this...not blaming anyone but myself, but just wanted to add my .02


Touch-move is vital in Live Chess for speed.  I don't think it's a bug that needs fixed.


Yeah, you're right CPawn, it is ourselves fault that this happens, though in a tournament, this obviously can not happen, unless your really uncoordinated lol. But since this should be the same as a standard tournament game, I think that this should be fixed, regardless if it's our own faults. And also, staggerlee said that touch-move is vital in Live Chess for speed, though this is true, I doubt the idea I suggested would affect the speed at all. Because all you have to do is simply move your piece, and click on the top of it without moving your mouse again. This will not be like Correspondence, where you have to take "time" to move your mouse and hit the submit button. Also, perhaps for people against the idea of fixing this problem, they would benefit from being able to have it in settings, so you can turn it on or off.


Problem for some people and if it is problem for some of us then they should fix it or create something to satisfy the players otherwise it is a flop in the same time popular


my best method is to keep the mouse away from the board until you've decided 


I have lost games because of a mouse battery sending inconsistent signals during a drag, and on mobile because scrolling the page is the same gesture as moving a piece forward. Really ruins the spirit of the game 


Accidental touch in a wrong move caused me to lose many games. It is disappointing indeed.


The weird thing is, when you are playing a challenge game with a schedule, you get to CHECK off the move to confirm it before committing to that square, a much better approach IMO.


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