
Absolutely outrageous.


I was connected to live chess today and (while playing a game) I was drawn into an argument revolving around a young female member (who will remain nameless) and the seemingly endless amount of members who swarm around her to compliment and speak to her about how attractive she is, her breasts, etc.

This was quite frankly irritating, after being almost kicked for saying "breasts" in an absolutely unoffensive way (honestly....breasts is a filtered word? honestly...) I was booted fully (at the expense of my current rated game) seemingly for telling everyone to stop hitting on this attention whore (I never used the word whore or any other word which is not allowed...besides breasts once) and go back to their chess games.

This is absolutely outrageous, mute me from the chat IF YOU MUST but keep my chess games out of it.

And to everyone who insists on hitting on everything with a pair of breasts in the live chess chatroom (or anywhere on the internet) you all need to grow up.


Don't get into arguments on the internet.


I agree with you there.  I always thought many chess players were desperate, but...


     I am sure the staff is working on a way to raise the level of discussion

     in the live chat window.  There have been a number of suggestions

     in other posts and a solution is probably not far off.


My problem was I was booted during a game for participating in a valid argument which was ironically pertaining to the conduct found in the live chess chat.


this is very funny


And I have started to do that as of now, still this was infuriating.


Coming back and insulting the moderator probably wasn't the way to go about staying un-muted. Cool

tonydal wrote:

Close the chat box (it's what I do).



More reason to avoid live chess.

Loomis wrote:

Don't get into arguments on the internet.

 Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.


i think I know the chick that you are referring to and she's not worth the discussion yet she is always hanging around the live chat doing nothing but chatting.  And if you've checked.... she's never playing live chess just hanging out.  That alone is enough reason to ignore her!

Streptomicin wrote:
Loomis wrote:

Don't get into arguments on the internet.

 Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.

 "Never argue with an idiot; they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience


yeah i used to chat alot on Live chess in the begining, but the more i logged on the more i realized 2 things. (1)- there are alot of very skilled chess players here, but very few of em can actually hold a civil, intelligent conversation.( especially when it comes to talking to females.) (2)- I joined this site to play chess and have fun doing it. not to engage in wittless banter with a bunch of people i will never meet personally or are too young for me to be talking to anyway. So now when i log on to Live chess i either say very little or nothing at all. I'm content with just playing now and staying out of the ridiculous conversations that go on in there. But that's just me, cant speak for everyone,and by the amount of chatting going on all the time i guess alot of people enjoy it, but if you dont, do what i do- close the chat box or just say nothing.

Streptomicin wrote:
Loomis wrote:

Don't get into arguments on the internet.

 Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.


Evil_Homer wrote:
Streptomicin wrote:
Loomis wrote:

Don't get into arguments on the internet.

 Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.


and pro athletes are geniuses? give me a break. if some were not physically gifted they would be non functional. by the way what if that special olympics participant runs a 9 second 100? by the way special olympics is for both the physically and/or mentally challenged. you two might qualify.

amac7079 wrote:
Evil_Homer wrote:
Streptomicin wrote:
Loomis wrote:

Don't get into arguments on the internet.

 Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.


and pro athletes are geniuses? give me a break. if some were not physically gifted they would be non functional. by the way what if that special olympics participant runs a 9 second 100? by the way special olympics is for both the physically and/or mentally challenged. you two might qualify.

 Dude, relax. It's just a funny quote. I have relative with Daun disease so dont give me any smart talk about it. And even if they could run 3 second 100 they would be retarded, and retarded is not same as stupid. Why do people get all personal. IT'S FUNNY QUOTE, I DIDNT MADE IT UP. And the point is that arguing on internet is retarded (omg, I am retarded) and nothing else.

amac7079 wrote:
Evil_Homer wrote:
Streptomicin wrote:
Loomis wrote:

Don't get into arguments on the internet.

 Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.


and pro athletes are geniuses? give me a break. if some were not physically gifted they would be non functional. by the way what if that special olympics participant runs a 9 second 100? by the way special olympics is for both the physically and/or mentally challenged. you two might qualify.

 This is obviously a joke! The only thing I qualify for is beer drinking. 

 This is obviously a joke! The only thing I qualify for is beer drinking. 

 Ahhh, my Irish brother, black beer?


Evil_homer would love a Guinness

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