
abandoned game suggestion


I just had a good game going and my opponent abandoned. Since I don't think he was trying to cheat, it would be nice for me to have the option to just cancel the rating adjustment.  I imagine this feature would be pretty easy to implement, but then again, you guys probably have your hands full with other problems...


I think that is a great idea, to let the "winner" of an abandoned game have the option to void it out.  I have played guys where their lag prob is getting progressively worse, and I sometimes offer them draws if our ratings are reasonably close to begin with.   I have also had a couple of guys come back and complain that I did something unfair by getting a win when they were disconnected.  In both cases, I would have been happy to put in a "cancel rating adjustment" request.  And of course, in those exceedingly rare times that I get d/c'd, I would hope for the same.