
A clock question



A beginner question, i was playing a game unrated 4-4, this game black was playing strong, but suddenly in the end-game i got some opertunities back.
And i played them as i had not much options left over against his comming checkmate. And it looked fine, i was going to check him, break his attack for a while, and i saw his clock counting down. Actualy to zero, then i tought i had won on time, but after his clock went to zero, it got back and gave him about 1:15 extra time. I stilll won on time, but i wondered why went the clock back from zero?

Dont the clocks usualy in such games, at each move wait for 4 sec until they start count down ? (is it some kind of correction?, his connection speed was in red )


It looks to me like you won by resignation in the game you linked. In any case, if you see their time jump up a bit it's usually because of latency. You don't directly connect to their game, so there's a good possibility for them to make a move and while you wait for the server to receive and pass along the signal your client is counting down on a move that's already happened.