
Why can't I send text messages?


When I first signed up, I could text back and forth during matches.  Now I can only read my opponent's texts, and I can't reply.  I looked around to see if it was an option, but no luck.  I don't have a pay account (yet!).  Any tips?  People must think I'm anti-social!


Is this in live chess or online games ? What happens when you type in the text and press Enter on your keyboard ?


That's the problem; it doesn't allow me a 'box' to type into anymore.  I can read my opponents words, but I can't answer.  Any help out there?


Have you tried pressing F11 to enlarge the browser?


I have one browser on a Linux based machine that I have issues with that sometimes and issues if I try that through the Wii browser. Come to think of it, the browser is the same on both, Opera.  In my case, it may or may not be the browser or its handling of cookies or java applets or something but more likely something at the OS level that is not allowing those features to work.  IMHO, I'd recommend making sure your privacy/ security is not turned up to high in your browser settings and/or trying a different browser. 

I know I could fix the issue with Opera on the Linux based machine but I rarely use that browser anyway so I'm not going to waste the time even thinking about it any more.  On the Wii, I know there are a number of things that may be disabled and since I can play turn based games on it fine, I don't care enough to find away around that either. 

Anyway, I hope that helps.  May you be fortunate.


Actually, was reading further now and after looking at your 3/21 2:05am message, I think what you're seeing is definitely different from what I have happen because a box is there in my case.  Ya, either size or if you go completely out and back in is there a change?  If those things are not quick fixes, I'd still recommend those things I stated in the prior parragraphs. 

Another recommendation and a nice challenge for you, just see if you can play the game out in such a fashion that the pieces will spell out the words you wish to convey. 

j/k of course.  LOL  Have fun!


دوستان نمیتونم جواب پیام طرف مقابل رو بدم . باید چیکار کنم ؟

Mahan33333 wrote:

دوستان نمیتونم جواب پیام طرف مقابل رو بدم . باید چیکار کنم ؟


Your account needs to be at least 48 hours old.


آهان ممنون رفیق




I have the same problem, it seems to be working here, but in a private chat with my friend, I cannot send him messages for some reason


It won’t let me message in a chess match but can see my opponent text


Uhhm you can just tell this to and if it doesn't work then it's the computer's problem


Oh thanks, it working now like a day ago


Your welcome


how can I send messeges