
What type of playing style is best in chess?(Attacking/Defensive/Positional)


I think positional is the best for any player


Till now I have playing many games with attacking and the experiences was not very good for me



Positional chess is for pro level. Play according your comfort and strength.

AshabuburRT wrote:

Till now I have playing many games with attacking and the experiences was not very good for me


No offense, but everyone at your level thinks they are an attacking player. Play the position on the board, and find the best move you can.  

The winning style
Pikelemi wrote:
The winning style

+1 Smile


Active positional style looks good, but it was said well - the style must correspond individually to every single player to feel comfortable

I_Ahmed wrote:

Positional chess is for pro level. Play according your comfort and strength.

Well said!  There are always positional aspects you need to pay attention to:  contesting the center and making sure you have enough space in the opening, etc.

I just got chess master Fred Wilson's "Simple Attacking Plans," which was recommended by a couple people on these forums, and two of his four key points right at the beginning of the book are:

In the opening, whenever justified, relentlessly attack the weak squares f7 or f2.

If possible, point all your pieces at your opponent's king.


Of course "whenever justified" and "if possible" mean the situation on the board limits those ideas, but I love that attitude of an attacking player.  Personally, I've often been too worried about safety, especially as Black, and it has come back to bite me.  So I can't wait to get through the book and try some of Wilson's structured, more-easy-to-remember ideas.

AshabuburRT wrote:

I think positional is the best for any player



Attacking and Defensive playing styles are pretty clear.  They are all about killing counterplay.The problem with these 2 is that in order to keep the initiative (the attack) you must always be looking  for the counterattacking move(s).  Ex. Your opponent is threatening to take your Q on his next move.  You counterattack with an  indirect defense of your Q by  threatening to mate him with your next move.  Do you  really think that he is going to capture your Q?  Direct defense is too passive and gives  up  the initiative (the attack).  Deciding between indirect defense and direct defense all  has to do with what counterplay you want to kill.  Since you  can't kill all counterplay with one  move.  That is deciding factor in using attacking or defensive play.

Positional playing style has to do with 3 changes of perspective: 1 overarching principle concerning pawns, 2 control  of the center theories  and  recognizing chess as siege warfare in game form 

1. Winning chess is the strategically tactically correct advance of the pawn mass.

2. There two control of the center theories:

    a. Classical center control theory:   control the center (d4, d5, e4, e5) by occupying the center

         squares  with your pawns and pieces

    b. Hypermodern center control theory:  control the center by using the power of your pawns

         and pieces.  With this method you do not create targets on the central squares for your


3. Siege Warfare consists of 3 strategies:

   a. Restrain the enemy

   b. Blockade the enemy

   c. Execute the enemy

In order to play positional chess you have to learn about the 3 changes  in perspective about chess from how you play it now.


The best style, if you want to call it that, is having active pieces and a position that allows for there to be a plan.

Positional, attacking, defensive, (even though attacking and defensive aren't even styles) is secondary.

All strong players, no matter their style, work first for piece activity and a position where they have potential to do something.


an combination of aggresive and positional chess i would say,however thats in general and it really depends on the position you are current playstyle is aggresive and positional.


The best players often combine all three styles, switching between them depending on the position and opponent.