
Reset/Delete rating


Is there any way to reset and/or delete my blitz and bullet ratings? 




Fair enough :-)


Even if you change your user-name, the stats will follow you. To get a fresh start you would need to close your account and open another. This is not viable as you have paid for your membership. Anyway, it's good to find out where the bottom is before you improve.


Ha-ha, I just don't want people to make fun of me. I don't plan on playing either in the future.


You can always report abusive players to or disable chat to guarantee that you're free of any messages or taunts.


But if that's your rating, then it's right for the time being.  Why confuse that?  You're reading books and thinking about your game.  Like me.  So just improve and the numbers follow. 

I figure mine just gets more and more accurate.  I like the info.  I like knowing where I'm at.  That may be one of the best things about this site.

Besides I don't really bother with the real short timed stuff.  Too me it's junk chess.  You just don't think quality moves.  You think move fast and do something.  Hows that playing good chess?  IIf I'm sitting there with the real set or here, I don't mind the game taking an hour, or taking two, whatever.  It's chess, it's like that.



Hey, once i brought my rank down to the 500s when I first started plaing on this site but later i brought it up to the 1100s(which is my rank now)


I see what you guys are saying and it makes sense. It's just this thing I have in my back of my head where I need to have everything nice and tidy. It's probably just my OCD ;-)


Wow thats your rating?!!? your awefully low.. so emberassing! go quit chess..

Im just kidding around with you :)


I'm deleting my account as we speak :(


Haha dont, its best to keep your account then one day when your rated 2000 you can look back at some of your games and be like.. wow i was this crap?! (not that you were)

astrochimp wrote:

Is there any way to reset and/or delete my blitz and bullet ratings? 

 Why should there be? Then the rating would be worthless.


Come on! Your rating is better then mine! Is this a indirect insult? Undecided (lolLaughing).


Ha-ha, so yea, it's all good. I'll get good enough to get a respectable rating in blitz and then I won't touch it anymore. It's fun but my brain just isn't wired for this kind of thinking.


To me, ratings are very important. It shows signs of your progress or lack thereof. To those who have read my posts, know how I play rated games...not on here lol. Call it paranoia or an OCD stats issue, I also don't want to be known as an easy win lol :)


That's right, there's always going to be some rat that enjoys ripping someone else. Just ignore them, don't take it personally and just keep playing and learning. Eventually you can shut them up by trouncing them  :)


Just don't pay attention to haters and people who like to make fun of others! Wink

Any rating is good as long as you love chess and enjoy playing it!


That's right. And that's coming from a WGM  :)  I love chess, but I must admit I go by stats/ratings as well. I know I'm a better chess player than my rating, online/offline, but I am bi-polar, which makes my concentration weaker, but I'm not going to use that as a crutch. I can be better and I am trying to be better. That's all you can do  :)

theblindtiger wrote:
astrochimp wrote:

Is there any way to reset and/or delete my blitz and bullet ratings? 

 Why should there be? Then the rating would be worthless.

i'm not entirely sure but i'm pretty sure that the official rules of chess do allow a player to abandon their game record and rating to persue a "fresh start".