
Refunds and Accidental Purchases


Hello, I recently purchased a diamond membership under the impression that I would be paying a price of around 8 or 9 dollars a month for a year. However, I was unaware that it was a yearly purchase which has now sent my account below a comfortable amount of money. I really need this money, and the accidental 100$ purchase will hurt me in the coming weeks.


Hello, I recently purchased a diamond membership under the impression that I would be paying a price of around 8 or 9 dollars a month for a year. However, I was unaware that it was a yearly purchase which has now sent my account below a comfortable amount of money. I really need this money, and the accidental 100$ purchase will hurt me in the coming weeks.

Paying up front does save a lot over monthly payments. 

It's $14 per month if you pay monthly.

Versus $99 for a whole year if you pay up front.

At any rate, doesn't want your last dollar. You can cancel it and write to [email protected] for a refund.

You may have to wait a couple of weeks but it will be over faster if you do it today.



Hey so i tried the 7-day free trial diamond membership in and i didn't know that after that i need to pay ₱1190.00 I'm a filipina and i want a refund I'm sorry for this.


Hey so i tried the 7-day free trial diamond membership in and i didn't know that after that it would renovate but ask me , could i please ask for refund so im not in debt... sorry for the inconvinience, I need help asap pls.


Hey @chess I accidently purchase the diamond membership which cost me 5000 pkr. I really need this money. Please refund my payment!!!

98_Ahmed wrote:

Hey @chess I accidently purchase the diamond membership which cost me 5000 pkr. I really need this money. Please refund my payment!!!

You'll need to fill out the refund form


Hey @chess, I recently made a miss-purchase on the diamond pass for a little over 110$ and would like a refund! I do apologize for the inconvenience!!!

RTK_0000 wrote:

Hey @chess, I recently made a miss-purchase on the diamond pass for a little over 110$ and would like a refund! I do apologize for the inconvenience!!!

You'll need to contact support directly for that.

Hi! I’m in a similar situation, did you get the refund?
franpereira1030 wrote:
Hi! I’m in a similar situation, did you get the refund?

Use the option to contact Support in the Help menu


I’m in a similar situation too, did you guys get the refund?

BettNvm wrote:

I’m in a similar situation too, did you guys get the refund?

Did you contact support? If so you should get a response



I just got an email today and realized that my visa was charged for subscription. It's hurt because i thought i already cancel the subscription before today.

So if there is any chance, can i have refund. I know it was my fault for not cancelling but please, it is a big amount of money to me at the moment. So i hope would refund me!

Please Help Me!!!

My email is : [email protected]


buon pomeriggio, non trovo giusto che a causa della "scarsa connessione" la partita mi venga sottratta, anche se la connessione è lenta ed è dimostrabile poiché siete voi stessi che mi avvisate, sarebbe più equo sospenderla e riprenderla una volta ripristinata. Grazie

per inciso tengo piuttosto a credere che sia tutto diretto dall'alto...

Enchester_Chronicles wrote:


I just got an email today and realized that my visa was charged for subscription. It's hurt because i thought i already cancel the subscription before today.

So if there is any chance, can i have refund. I know it was my fault for not cancelling but please, it is a big amount of money to me at the moment. So i hope would refund me!

Please Help Me!!!

My email is :....

You'll need to contact Support directly using the Help option in the menu

cimoso wrote:

buon pomeriggio, non trovo giusto che a causa della "scarsa connessione" la partita mi venga sottratta, anche se la connessione è lenta ed è dimostrabile poiché siete voi stessi che mi avvisate, sarebbe più equo sospenderla e riprenderla una volta ripristinata. Grazie

per inciso tengo piuttosto a credere che sia tutto diretto dall'alto...

Pausing and resuming games isn't a workable solution.

There are some things that can be done to minimize connection issues.


Hello @chess

i have recently used my free premium trial, but it wasn’t to my knowledge that when the free trial ends, I would have to pay for the one-year premium subscription. I really need the money back since I am not doing too well money wise. I would appreciate it thoroughly if you do give me a refund. 
-a chess enjoyer


Just asking out of curiousioty. Didn't you all read the Payment policy before buying?
did you all were like..OH freeee trialll lemmme and bought?

Hughi6 wrote:

Hello @chess

i have recently used my free premium trial, but it wasn’t to my knowledge that when the free trial ends, I would have to pay for the one-year premium subscription. I really need the money back since I am not doing too well money wise. I would appreciate it thoroughly if you do give me a refund. 
-a chess enjoyer

You will need to contact Support directly using the option in the menu


Buonasera, questo è un msg che spero venga letto da coloro che hanno problemi come me con la connessione. Ho ricevuto da parte della amministrazione la notifica che mi chiedeva di evitare di annullare troppe partite, altrimenti avrei avuto meno opportunità di giocare (non ricordo perfettamente come veniva espresso il monito ma il senso era questo). Perciò secondo il regolamento dopo la prima mossa accorgendomi che la connessione è interrotta, dovrei aspettare che il sistema dia la vittoria all'avversario per il mio "abbandono" dalla partita. Che senso ha tutto questo?