
racism in


There has to be more done about racism. 2 times now I've been called the N-word twice when I beat someone. And then you report them and just get back to you saying they've dealt with it. There should be more transparency and you should know what happens to these accounts. 

I'm not black, just my pfp but should really step up their game on this. It shouldn't be so easy to get away with blatant racism. 

Has anyone else had any experience with this? 


I don't know if it counts, but, I've been called a monkey on the website because of my nationality. There will always be these types of people, I don't really think there's a solution, because the people that display this kind of behavior are using throwaway accounts.


I really hope keeps logs of everyone's chats and messages. If they do, they should be able to detect any offensive words used and I hope permanently ban those players.


You should report them and let the staff deal with them. But I totally agree that the bans/mutes of these ppl are taking too long and are not very clear


Report and block people saying racial slurs or insults. There's nothing more you can do. I'm fairly certain that if someone says racial slurs they will be muted by moderation.

As a guy who lives in a racist kinda pro russian and against immigrants and atheists who try to turn them into atheists I feel very bad because it might just be my country yes we are the safest country but that doesn’t mean we don’t have corruption and other stuf
Also rating 3000 quitting because of that is not a good idea when you already bought a diamond membe

It's sad because :

Racisme is nazisme 


Justice for Juicy!!

lolimrealbad you're while playing, ..i beat someone, and he said "50%" of you "Indians" are cheats...the fact that i was playing completely hurts when someone pass these remarks....if I don't see immediate action on that person, I will have no choice rather than leaving 
Arkady233 wrote:
lolimrealbad you're while playing, ..i beat someone, and he said "50%" of you "Indians" are cheats...the fact that i was playing completely hurts when someone pass these remarks....if I don't see immediate action on that person, I will have no choice rather than leaving 

I am sorry that you were insulted. There are tens of millions of active accounts and hundreds of thousands of daily insults.  Unfortunately, would have to employ tens of thousands of support staff members to deal with all of the insults that people hurl at each other and premiums would have to be multiplied many times to pay them.

I don't think most people would want that.   I don't get insults during games because I generally don't accept chat during games.     



A player called me Indian noob, loser,I look like their bull dog, India is the dirtiest place etc.

lolimrealbad wrote:

There has to be more done about racism. 2 times now I've been called the N-word twice when I beat someone. must take a stronger stand against hate speech here! it is not only about people of color...any nationality, religion, ethnicity, etc. should be able to come and play without suffering abuse. I do not even accept most chat requests anymore, because I am tired of racist, violent comments. Most come from people in muslim countries, but not all. 

there should b faster action


like we can have page mods

who can mute someone being offensive on their forum for 15min


chess is simply racist. its white vs black, and white goes first.

I know the Proverb:
White Begins, black wins
lolimrealbad wrote:

There has to be more done about racism. 2 times now I've been called the N-word twice when I beat someone. And then you report them and just get back to you saying they've dealt with it. There should be more transparency and you should know what happens to these accounts.

I'm not black, just my pfp but should really step up their game on this. It shouldn't be so easy to get away with blatant racism.

Has anyone else had any experience with this?

true. my screenname triggers a surprising amount of fragile Wh*te people, and they lash out at me. i believe you that you got called the N word with no repercussions. apparently according to the people who run this site, thats not hatespeech, and is therefore allowed. i just got called a "brown beaner" on here by an entitled wh*te Am*rican, ive also been called other racist terms on here with no consequences for the privileged members of society. however, i have been muted, block, warned and put on "timeout" after some of my responses to these racists have triggered the programming to prevent my messages from sending and immediately send me a notification to let me know that i have violated their terms and policy against "harassment/bullying. So while this site allows people to call others the N word, and beaner, and other homophobic and racist slurs,,, it doesnt not permit people to call racists out. so dont call anyone a wh*te suprem*cist, a Wh*te fragility crybaby, a l*ser. an am*rican id*ot, a f*scist, a N*zi or anything that might offend a Wh*te b*got. yea, these brobros are definitely insecure racists. y'all notice how they got emojis to show support for ukraine and block out the russian flag, saying they will not stand in tolerance to an invasion/occupation/oppressive state, yet they have no emojis in support of any of the other nations that are also currently being bombed, occupied, oppressed, imprisoned for no reason, denied access to food and water, being raideed in the middle ofd the night, etc etc,,, why? oh simple, those nations arent wh*te so they dont matter, and we can just ignore the war crimes the human rightr violations and the torment being inflicted. yea, theres no need to include a free palestine emoji or block out israel's flag. theses mayo boys have no clue how hypocritical and shameful their blatant racism is. in the future kids will look back and wonder how chess players could be so stupid, egocentric, and blinded by ignorance, racist dummies who believe they are on the right side of history by demonstrating their support for a wh*te nation thats going through what other brown and black countries are also going through and have been for a lot longer which they blissfully ignore.