
Problems with ads


Some ads contain inappropriate images. Others appear during live games, block your view of the board and stop you moving. Plus, the ads contain cookies that track you and if that wasn't enough tracking, some ads are for spyware that is disguised as normal programs.


Did you see what I did there? And all of the problems actually happened on


I see what you did, clever ;)

Do you have screenshots of these inappropriate ads? If so, can you message them to me? 

You shouldn't be getting any ads during a game. Have you personally experienced this?


One of the reasons I have gold membership is to get rid of inappropriate ads.


I only got the ones for spyware and tracking cookies, the other issues are covered in other threads, I'll post the links when I find them


@Kansha  as premium member   why am I getting ads   shouldnt  a refund be forthcoming as this problem  has not been resolved  


     To Tower of Joseph; A refund cannot be resolved in this thread/format/forum.  You must submit a ticket.  And to Ballofwhacks; A gold membership only grants you privaliges on this site. To get rid of unwanted ads, you need to install AdBlocker. That problem is with your computer, not's computer.


I play on a school Chromebook and my school uses 2 VPNs to make sure my Chromebook is secure, one through the internet signal and the other installed on my device. The problem with it is that the ads on are powered through these VPNs and for whatever reason give me explicit or sexual content which is very disturbing while playing a game of chess, it would help if would take the first step and fix these issues.

FinalArticuno wrote:

I play on a school Chromebook and my school uses 2 VPNs to make sure my Chromebook is secure, one through the internet signal and the other installed on my device. The problem with it is that the ads on are powered through these VPNs and for whatever reason give me explicit or sexual content which is very disturbing while playing a game of chess, it would help if would take the first step and fix these issues.

The site uses third-party ad providers and that have disallowed categories. Individual advertisements are not vetted by the site and occasionally a bad ad gets through the providers. Staff are working on catching as many of those automatically as possible but there's always going to be a chance something makes it through.

If that happens you should report them.