Posting a game in a blog. How to add comments?
I've never posted a game before, but I think when you go to your game you need to push the analysis button. Make sure you are in self-analysis and you can right click on each move and it should give you a list of options including the ability to make comments. Just remember to push save! And then copy the PNG.
If you want to make your own moves for each side go to make your moves and follow the same process as before.
I'm not sure if only premium members can do this, but as far as I know they should be able to.
I'm posting one of my games below - one I lost - to see if what I've said works. If it doesn't just ignore everything I've said above!
Thanks for the help. I found out by myself how I comment on my moves. It was there all the time. I just didnt see it. But it wasnt so easy to see anyway. To comment on a game you have to right-click on the move notation on the move you want to comment and you get a lot of alternatives. One is to comment. And it worked.
Thank you. It helped and I know how to do it. I can analyze in Fritz as well, make comments on my game there and then copy and paste directly into the diagram and it works fine.