
Player Tracking


A few minutes ago I searched players and opted to track about 15 players.  Ever since, I have been getting an error message regarding a script causing my computer to run slowly.

Why is this happening?  How do I stop tracking these players or even view the players I chose to track?



Kohai wrote: 

If you track a member, everytime they post it will show up in your "my tracked activity" . To undo this, remove them from your tracked list.

The names of people you are tracking are at the bottom of the page, just click where it says "remove".


The script error is likely unrelated to the tracking. The script errors have just recently started happening on the site and we are working to correct it as soon as possible. As for your question, you can go to to manage your tracking settings.

Patzer24 wrote:

The script error is likely unrelated to the tracking. The script errors have just recently started happening on the site and we are working to correct it as soon as possible. As for your question, you can go to to manage your tracking settings.

 Thanks for your help.  Is there a work around or anything we can do to reduce the frequency of this message?  I have never seen it before, and now it happens every time I change screens and freezes me up for a bit.  I really cant spend time on the site at this point.

RWBal wrote:
Patzer24 wrote:

The script error is likely unrelated to the tracking. The script errors have just recently started happening on the site and we are working to correct it as soon as possible. As for your question, you can go to to manage your tracking settings.

 Thanks for your help.  Is there a work around or anything we can do to reduce the frequency of this message?  I have never seen it before, and now it happens every time I change screens and freezes me up for a bit.  I really cant spend time on the site at this point.

Have you tried using each of the different browsers (IE7, IE6, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari) with this site? Does it occur with all of them?

Can you provide any more detail on the script error?

  • is the errror message always the same?
  • does it identify a script name of line?
  • is there any discernible pattern to what you are doing when the problem occurs?

Is there any app available for player tracking? As far as I know, there is an app for mobile tracking both for free and paid. Here is a solid guide how to catch your unfaithful spouse. Though, I have some kind of experience with that one. These type of apps are available for all iOS, Android, iPhone, iPad device.