
PGN editor


Hey, uh.. Does anybody know how to put an alternate variation of a sequence of moves into a PGN? Like, so you can program how the line turns out if you make a different move while still keeping the main line? 

I'm trying to make PGN's of examples from Nimsowitch's My System. It's kind of hard to study on a board and I thought I'd program the examples so I could skip around and generally make it easier to examine.

(I've noticed that the tone on these forums can get a little savage so let me just preemptively say that this is probably the dumbest question ever asked about chess, that I should have my chess set taken away, my mama wears combat boots, and i should be cast out, not only of but human scociety as a whole.)


Why not buy the online version of the book with all the games all ready to play through?


Ah!! Didn't know there was one! Thanks!!



Actually, notmtwain, that only appears to have PDF's rather than PGN's. Which is to say, static illustrations rather than portable game notation which shows the moves... 

This is the version I found:


Ah, HA!


Gibbon22: which pgn editor are you using? 

When you use an editor such as chessbase, it's very easy to do. First you simply enter the full game, then go back to the positions where you want to add variation and simply make the moves on the board. The program will pop up a small window asking you whether you want that to be the main line or just a variation. 

Arena is a good alternative: 100% free.


I was also going to recommend Arena.

SCID will also do it, it's easy to add variations just by playing them. It's free.


Hey! Thanks, all! I was using the pgn editor to answer your question, JavierGil...

Incidently, as per the good, notmtwain's suggestion, I downloaded the app, e+ Chess Books (which comes with Capablanca's Fundamentals for free) and at first glance, it appears to be very useful and easy to use, plus it's a new translation that apparently get's the humor and pith of the original. (I'm not affiliated)


[Site ""]
[White "OyVeyILost"]
[Black "Himanshu6754"]
[Result "*"]
[WhiteElo "508"]
[BlackElo "507"]
[TimeControl "600"]
[Termination "Himanshu6754 won by resignation"]
1. e4 e5 2. d3 Nf6 3. Be3 d5 4. d4 exd4 5. Bxd4 dxe4 6. c3 Bg4 7. f3 exf3 8.
gxf3 Qe7+ 9. Be2 Bh3 10. Nxh3 Nc6 11. Nd2 Nxd4 12. cxd4 Qd7 13. Nc4 O-O-O 14.
Qd3 Bb4+ 15. Kf2 Qxh3 16. Bf1 Qh4+ 17. Ke3 Rde8+ 18. Ne5 Qh6+ 19. f4 Ng4+ 20.
Ke2 Nxe5 21. dxe5 Qxf4 22. a3 Rxe5+ 23. Kd1 Ba5 24. b4 Bb6 25. Bh3+ Kb8 26. Rf1
Qg5 27. Rxf7 Qg1+ 28. Bf1 a6 29. Rc1 Qh1 30. Kc2 Qxh2+ 31. Kb1 c6 32. Rxg7 Rd5
33. Qb3 Rhd8 34. Qc3 Rd1 35. Qc2 Rxc1+ 36. Kxc1 Qh6+ 37. Qd2 Be3 38. Rxh7 Bxd2+
39. Kb2 Qxh7 *

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